We were delighted to have received a total of 5 educative projects in Slovakia. Please find the winner projects, the honorable mentions, as well as the other projects below.

Winner 1

Project name: Jewish Cemetery in Zvolen
Student: Marek Páleník
Teacher: Veronika Páleníková

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Winner 2

Project name: Mapping of Jewish Cemeteries
Students: Oliver Stančík, Šimon Blihár, Tomáš Čačko, Viktor Henček
Teacher: Veronika Páleníková

Winner 3

Project name: Jewish Cemetery in Zvolen
Student: Natálka Schwartzová
Teacher: Veronika Páleníková

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Honorable mentions and other projects

Please click here:

HonorableMentions&OtherProjects - Slovakia


