The European Jewish Cemeteries Iniative provides practical solutions on how to physically protect the Jewish cemeteries of Europe. The initiative’s preservation work aims to construct walls with locking gates around vulnerable cemeteries and look after the cemeteries’ general upkeep. By doing this, the ESJF Project hopes to preserve Jewish memory, especially in so-called ‘priority areas such as the former Soviet-bloc and South-Eastern Europe.

Foundation for Jewish Heritage
The Foundation for Jewish Heritage works internationally to ensure that important Jewish architectural sites, monuments and places of cultural significance in danger are preserved and re-imagined for a sustainable future.

Centropa is a non-profit, Jewish historical institute dedicated to preserving 20th century Jewish family stories and photos from Central and Eastern Europe and the Balkans, and disseminating these stories and photos through films, books and exhibitions. Our main office is in Vienna. But we also have offices in Budapest, Hamburg and Washington DC. The Centropa education program is currently managed by the following team.