We were delighted to have received a total of 4 educative projects in Poland. Please find the winner projects, the honorable mentions, as well as the other projects below.
Winner 1
Project name: Otwocki Cmentarz żydowski
Students: Joanna Szerszeń, Paulina Łomża, Artur Bieńkowski, Julia Skiba, Marta Grunt, Bartłomiej Kołodziej, Zuzanna Smolińska, and Amelia Bartnicka
Teacher: Monika Anuszkiewicz
https://youtu.be/mQMtofZ_d_MWinner 2
Project name: Cmentarz żydowski w Jaśle- pamięć amputowana
Students: Jakub Spólnik, Milena Rzońca, Mikołaj Marczyński, and Hava Marczyńska
Teacher: Inga Marczyńska
Open in new tabWinner 3
Project name: Jewish Cemetery in Kalisz/Cmentarz żydowski w Kaliszu
Student: Sylwia Staniewska
Teacher: Izabella Galuba Bryja
Honorable mentions and other projects
Please click here:
HonorableMentions&OtherProjects - Poland