This webinar, hosted by The Foundation for Jewish Heritage, was designed for those working as tour guides.
Throughout the day a rich range of speakers from across central and eastern Europe shared their experiences and visions about how to engage visitors with Jewish cemeteries; part of the common heritage of all Europeans. Opportunities were given to share best practices and effective ways of marketing Jewish heritage to a broader range of visitors, to discuss successful promotion of historic Jewish cemeteries by tour guides, and to think about what different audiences might want from their encounters with historic Jewish cemeteries. Speakers include: Olga Skobeeva, Project co-ordinator at the NGO ‘Eko-Kultura’ in Chernivtsi, Ukraine; Rabbi Chaim Wiener from Jewish Journeys Ltd who discussed his Jewish interest tailored tours to various European destinations and Dr Krisztina Frauhammer, expert from the REDISCOVER project who spoke about the development of the Szeged Jewish route, its accompanying app and an onsite guided cemetery tour.
This event was 1 of 2 webinars being held by The Foundation for Jewish Heritage, exploring how and to what extent Jewish cemeteries can be and are currently used as visitor destinations across Europe.
Both webinars began with an introduction by the Foundation for Jewish Heritage Chair Dame Helen Hyde followed by a key-note address by Dr Paul Darby with findings from his report ‘Jewish Cemeteries as Visitor Destinations – Exploring Current Practices, Current Challenges and sustainable futures in seven European Countries.’ This report involved consultation with key stakeholders, market analysis, documentation of case studies, and exploration of the use of new products and digital technologies.